Our Community Data

For Clients of Big Water Consulting

Access Data

Access and Use Your Data

Our Community Data allows clients of Big Water Consulting to access and use their data. This allows clients to:

  • Interact with a graphic user interface to create custom tables
  • Access project dashboards for live projects
  • Download raw datasets
  • View and download completed reports, handouts, PowerPoint presentations, and any deliverables

Collect Data

Our Community Data acts as a secure survey portal that hosts surveys for clients of Big Water Consulting.

This allows clients to have peace of mind and gives Big Water Consulting complete control over questionnaire content and data. Clients can share out secure links hosted on Our Community Data so that surveys are accessible to respondents who have an internet connection. Giving respondents more options to complete surveys can only boost the survey's overall response rate.

Track Progress

Our Community Data lets you and your stakeholders track the progress of your project.

Clients of Big Water Consulting can view dashboards hosted on Our Community Data to track the progress of their projects and share links with stakeholders so that nobody is ever in the dark about the project. These dashboards force accountability by letting everyone involved know much is being accomplished.